Republic of the Philippines, Department of Health
San Lazaro Compound, Sta. Cruz, Manila
(+632) 743-8301 to 23
Every second, someone in the world needs blood. Blood cannot be prepared in factories . It can only be given by blood donors. Voluntary blood donors are a must for a safe blood supply so that a mother giving birth, an accident victim, a girl suffering from life threatening anemia, a boy with dengue fever or a father facing open heart surgery may be timely helped.
Centered on the theme "Once is not enough, donate blood regularly!" all active, healthy and qualified donors are invited to share and voluntarily donate blood not only now, but regularly.
According to DOH, regular donation of blood saves not only others lives but ours too. It was also bared that it is safe for a healthy and normal individual to donate blood once in every three months and not suffer any side effect, hence, health-wise it would be more beneficial to the donor.
Those who want to donate will be screened for around 10-15 minutes, which will include pre-donation education and counseling, and an examination to check weight, blood pressure, pulse rate, and temperature, and the extraction of a blood sample for blood typing and checking of hemoglobin levels.
Amount of blood to be donated by an individual will depend on his body weight with the maximum donation not to exceed 450 ml. The donor will be given a blood donor card, which will give them priority in case of blood needs.
Giving blood is relatively simple and a very rewarding experience. Most people are able to give blood if they:
• are fit, healthy and not suffering from a cold, flu or other illness at the time of donation
• are aged between 16-65 years (in some states 16 & 17 year olds require parental/guardian consent)
• weigh more than 45kg (16 & 17 year olds need to weigh more than 50kg) or 100 pounds
• have eaten and drunk 3-4 glasses of water/juice prior to giving blood
People who are pregnant, are suffering from an acute fever, had recent intake of alcohol, have ear or body piercing nad tattoes, or underwent recent surgery cannot donate blood.
Those who have cancer, cardiac diseases, severe lung diseases, viral hepatitis, HIV/Aids or sexually transmitted diseases, high risk occupations, have suffered from prolonged bleeding, had unexplained weight loss of more than five kilos over six months, and chrinic alcoholism are also not allowed to donate blood.

• that blood is always in demand for treatment of injuries, cancer, and hemophilia; and for use during surgery. Blood is needed every day of the year, not just when disasters strike.
• that 9 out of 10 Filipinos will need
blood some time in their lives.
• that one pint of blood from
a single donor may save 3 lives.
• that donors can safely give red cell blood
donations up to 5 times a year.
Though blood acts like a medicine within our body, it cannot be manufactured. But what does an individual have to do at a blood bank before he or she actually donates blood?
They will have to answer a few questions on medical history, lifestyle and travel; carry out checks on weight, blood pressure and haemoglobin level. This is a "risk assessment exercise" for the safety of both donor and recipient. The blood donated will also be tested for hepatitis B, C, HIV, syphilis and malaria. All information and test results are kept highly confidential. Counselling and donor care form an important part of the process.
The whole process of donating blood will take an average of 25 minutes only, but it will go a long way towards saving somebody's life. So don't make excuses or be under any delusion regarding blood donation. In fact, it will enable detection of low hemoglobin level or diseases in your body.

Please make sure you have plenty to eat and drink before coming in. For example, if you're coming in after breakfast, have some cereal and toast with at least 3-4 glasses of drink such as water, fruit juice or milk.
On arrival, you will be welcomed by our staff and asked to complete a Donor Questionnaire. This form asks questions about your general health and is completely confidential. It is designed to protect both you and the person who receives your blood. You will also be asked to present some identification to confirm your identity. This must include 3 separate identifiers (e.g. name, date of birth, address, signature, photo if possible).

Donors, who donate at least twice a year, are called "regular donors". Blood can be donated regularly because the liquid part of blood gets replaced within a couple of days and cells within 21 days after donation. A healthy person may donate blood every three months.
With the demand for blood increasing every day and the limited shelf life of blood being 35 days, it is important that blood donation becomes a regular custom in the Philippines especially among the youth.

You, your family and friends may come and visit the PNTC National Blood Center or any Philippine National Red Cross Chapter nearest you and make your significant contribution to saving of a patient by donating blood.
You may also come forward and share your blood by just going to the nearest Blood Collection Unit in any government hospital.
For those who are interested to have blood letting activities in their area, one may get in touch with Dr. Eduardo Pedrosa, Regional Voluntary Blood Coordinator of DOH-EV through telephone number (053) 323-4999.