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IN DEC. 2007
This Bikini Open Competition was held just last December 30, 2007 as a part of the nightly attraction of the 4th National Skimboarding Open Competition (see previously posted related articles on our TACLOBAN REGION BREAKING NEWS site), organized by the Local Government Unit (LGU).
The Bikini Open Competition made waves as some visitors of this event raised their voice and accused the organizers of this event of "exploiting young women in a hotly-contested showcase of flesh to the delight of the audience composed mostly of men", in a "vulgar and indecently choreographed lewd show".
The "offensive show" was "a sight of lust and basic instinct in men all trying to get a slice of the best meat" which "offend the taste of everyone" and projected "images of easy laid girls".
With those "wildly primitive" and "shameful acts" Tanauan supposedly gained the title of not only being the Skimboarding Capital of the Philippines but also as an "Exploiter of Women".
By Ernie Teston
TanauaLeyte.com - The Tanauaneno Blogsite
Is Tanauan now a Haven for an
Indecent Show?
Tanauan has truly changed! Why am I saying this? I discovered that my beloved town is now a haven for shows exploiting young women clad in skimpy bikinis parading for all men to ogle at. Way before, shows such as this could have raised the eyebrows of the conservative groups, but then, this has been done previously, as I was informed, and no one seemed to object!
This Bikini Open Competition held just last December 30, 2007 was part of the nightly attraction to lure people to the 2007 Tanauan Skim Open 4th National Competition (see related article previously posted on this website) as organized by the LGU. With a jampacked crowd, I suppose it completely stole the main attraction which was skimboarding. I deduce we're not just touting the town now as the skimboarding capital but probably the center of bikini open and exploiter of women as well. Well, just nine very young women tried to outshine each other through a hotly-contested showcase of flesh and flesh and flesh to the delight of the audience composed mostly of men.
I have seen too many a bikini competition but not as vulgar and as indecently choreographed as this one. It became nauseating at some point as each girl tried to win the nod of audience and judges by doing stuffs and acts seen only in cheapy girlie bars. Foreign visitors acted as judges who all seemed to be shocked at the lewd show hurled at their face. One judge was even seen documenting the show with his digital video camera as each girl stepped down and gyrated right infront of the judges. The rest of the men scamper to the front with their camera cellphones as each one comes out of the stage. It was truly a sight of lust and basic instinct in men all trying to get a slice of the best meat, this time, the best view.
As the show progresses, the girls all generated yelps, not just shrieks, as they come out with less and less piece of cloth to hide their loins. What made it even more improper was that there were too many kids present. My godchildren, aged 7 and 9 years old could not help but utter, "Mama, panguli na kita, makaharadlok na man iton". (Mama, let's go home, this is getting scary). We had to protect the impressionable mind of these kids by bringing them home.
Now, the height of this offensive show came when the girls were made to have that "wet-look" by stepping down to a water shower all the more emphasizing their wares and executed steps way beyond the decency level. The audience really became euphoric! As if by act and reminder from God, even before the show was midway through, the whole of Tanauan was engulfed with darkness as the light went out. For nearly an hour, the show was suspended. Thanks to the generated light beamed at the beach front for the night scheduled skimboard competition, the Bantay-Dagat was spared from total darkness. Even then, most of the audience decided to go home rather than wait.
The show was indeed a success judging by the men who still decided to stay. Now, I could not just comprehend why the show must be presented this way. It could have been done in a tasteful manner as not to offend the taste of everyone and an acceptable decorum or modesty level for a show of this nature. Granting that this was done in the beach, still it did not justify the type of choreography and production the girls were made to go through. I really pitied those girls who, as I heard from others near me, that they are projecting images of easy lay girls or in local dialect, "baga hin mga pokpok". I know these girls are decent but with the kind of treatment they got and the intensity of the competition, they really had to do shameful acts just to be shine and be noticed. Right after the show, I witnessed how one drunk man approached one of the contestants, asking for her number and uttering suggestive words implying the girl is an easy lay.
Even more, what deeply disturbed my mind is why our local government unit is nurturing this kind of show. Why do we have to resort to this cheap gimmickry just to lure domestic tourism and financial backers? They could have at least "censored" or mentored the choreographers and girls to produce a decent show and not as "wildly primitive" as this one. Had it been shown on national television, for sure, this could have generated negative publicity mileage for our town and its leaders or, probably, responsible authorities could have been sacked and sanctioned by now. By then, we would have unabashedly and completely achieved our dream as the Skimboarding Capital of the Philippines vis-à-vis Exploiter of Women". Now, we do not want that to happen, right? After all, Tanauan, so they say, is the "Bungto han Kamag-araman." Well, we just hope this will not happen again.
Sadly, even before I left for Manila, I heard there was another bikini open in Marabut, Samar, with almost the same set of girls joining the competition. But then, the producer of the said show, who also witnessed the Tanauan Bikini Open declared, "I do not want that kind of show as done in Tanauan." Need I say more?
Such badly accused and severely critisized, one of the main sponsors of the event, namely the SPAWN ORGANIZATION, felt empelled to answer back and gave the following statement:
"We, the SPAWN ORGANIZATION, being the responsible and sponsor of the programs and shows of the 4th National Skimboarding Competition would like to clear and speak out our side regarding the "Bikini Open" being tagged and labeled as an "Indecent Show". First, the show is aimed for entertainment with an artistic approach and it was. We would like to ask about the categories when we can say that a show is indecent. For us it is ridiculous, thinking that the competition itself speaks of its kind, "Bikini Open". What kind of show that will come into one's mind when we say "Bikini Open"? An opinionated article shows up in this blogsite citing it as an indecent show? We actually understand that each individual think differently and maybe the writer was just judgmental, thinking on the way he thinks and perhaps we conclude that it is a one-sided story.
Another is the issue on "exploiting women". For the information of everybody, all the candidates willingly and freely present their selves to join the competition and were given instructions that every competition in the show, they can present themselves on the matter of what they want to do and what they want to express and some regulations were added and all candidates agreed with it. With that we actually can't see any exploitation and harassment. Again depending on how people perceive and see it in ways.
Regarding children around, we would like to give an emphasis to this especially to the writer of the article that practically and logically it is the look-out and responsibility of the parents and guardians because first and foremost they know that during that night, the show was "Bikini Open" and it was already posted, announced and disseminated trough posters, streamers and media ads. So, it is due responsibility of the parents and guardians why they brought their children to that competition. Besides there were shows like Kaadlawan Festival, Leyte Idol, musical nights with local artists, acoustic nights, etc. which is much preferable for children to watch. Why bring children to that certain night in which it is a competition of wearing bikinis?
In behalf of the group, we are sorry for the people who think of it differently but our main aim is pure entertainment in an artistic manner and to tell everybody, it was a good and unforgettable show. Expect much greater show in the near future. The group also suggested that opinionated and one-man consensus regarding of something is not quite good. We are asking for the responsible person of this blogsite to please regulate well articles and we are looking for impartial and fair writings for the development of Tanauan and for the benefit of the Tanauananons.
To Mark Moron, Jimbo Cumpio and the rest of the organizing body, we salute you all. It's better to think bigger and better rather to think with an envious mind. For all the readers of the article entitled "Is Tanauan a haven for indecent show", try to search the web for other bikini open in and out of the country and compare it with the one we had in Tanauan, it's up to you to judge if in this manner indecency is being argued. Just be open-minded.
Thank you and more power!"

By Mrs. Arlene Schmidt
Women nowadays are self-confident, they show what they have and they're proud of it. Time is changing, nothing stays the same. People have to accept that girls nowadays are wearing mini-skirts and hot pants in public or tiny bikinis when they're at the beach.
Now some people have a problem with this, because that's not the way they used to grow up, those are not the values they came down with from their parents. But these people have to adjust, because time is changing and as we all know change is the only constant in this world.
I myself feel sorry for those who went to the Bikini Open Competition and all they could see were just "young women being exploited" or a "showcase of flesh". As a matter of fact that show in Tanauan was not "vulgar" nor "indecent", it was just good entertainment for a mature audience.
A woman has the right to show what she has in the way that she wants and to be proud of herself. Still a smile and a friendly manner will be what interests and engages others. Women who appear confident don't let any one stop them from enjoying life.
Anyway, no one was forced to watch that show. If any one had a problem with it then here's one simple advice: JUST DON'T WATCH IT AND LET OTHERS ENJOY THE SHOW WHO HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH IT!
Regarding the children watching the show, it is the responsibility of the parents and their guardians to prevent them from watching anything not suitable for their age and they can't give that responsibility to someone else, so no one else but them is to blame in this case! Anyway I can't understand how people can let there children run around at a time in which they should be lying in bed already!